
Welcome to The Jaded Word where anything and everything is up for discussion. Respectful commentary and dialogue is always encouraged here. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life's little curve balls

Life has a way of throwing us a little curve ball every now and then, but it's how we handle it that truly defines us. I've always prided myself on being the type of person who could handle anything, but I am currently being tested. I'm not really sure what will come of this new curve ball,but I'm choosing to face it head on and not strike out. Regardless of what's going on in our lives, we have to decide the proper course of action. Will it always be easy? No. Will we have setbacks? Indeed. Our success isn't measured so much by the final outcome but by the journey itself. We will not strike out, we will hit the ball with all our might and bring it on home.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Online dating still scares me!

I recently saw a commercial from Match.com which astounded me. According to their research, 1 out of every 5 relationships were started through online dating-wow really??? I was amazed at this number as it really seems high (yes even at 20%) and if this is the case, is something wrong with our society.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against online dating whatsoever for those who choose this path, I'm just wondering about the validity of the statistic itself. Since I have no real way of validating the data I guess my biggest question is what is the appeal of online dating? While I have friends who have had successful online relationships, some even leading to marriage, I am still a bit leery or maybe I'm just a bit old school. Here are my top 3 reasons why online dating wouldn't work for me:

  1. Looks aren't everything but I'm very visual in other aspects. I like to see how you carry yourself, how you dress, how you walk, your swagger, etc. Many of the things that make a man attractive to me can only be demonstrated in person.
  2. Stalkers are a reality and while not everyone you meet online has the potential to be crazy and deranged, you can rest assured the only way to really tell when someone is a nut is to meet them in person.
  3. Pictures are only worth a thousand words if they are recent. Again, looks aren't everything but I want to get to know the real you, not some made up persona. While I may like everything you say in IM or email and we may really jive, if you no longer look like the picture you posted in your profile, in my opinion, you have already started the relationship off with deception and I'm no longer interested.

I understand times have changed, the online dating nightmares I hear about are enough to scare me. So for those of you who have met and/or fell in love with someone online and have successful relationships, what was it that sent you down that avenue in the first place? Would you recommend online dating to your friends? This is just my opinion but it's my site right..LOL.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Tiger Woods saga continues

This Tiger Woods mess keeps getting deeper and deeper, literally. Various media outlets are reporting that one of Tiger Wood's tramps (yes I said tramps), has reportedly issued claims of a giving birth to a 9 year old love child with Woods, a son to be exact. According to the Huffington Post article, porn queen(OMG.. is this really a title people are proud of??) Devon James stated she had their "love child" in 2001. Is she kidding? I mean, not many porn stars are known for their discretion so I find it hard to believe that Tiger Woods, the most famous athlete in the world, can have a child in secret with anyone, let alone a porn star. I know it was years before we were forced to hear the sordid details of his many indiscretions with other women but this is too much. These women will stop at nothing.

I'm sure if this child exists, paternity has certainly been established by now, at least I hope so. What does she expect to gain by releasing these statements now? Money? Fame? I hate when people use others, especially children, for their own monetary gain, it's just sick. I don't know how true this story is but if it is, I wonder do these people ever consider the consequences of their actions. Not only does this child have to deal with his mom being a TV "personality", now he has to deal with public scrutiny because his mom couldn't keep her trap shut.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Time to let go of the "old stuff"

I posted something similar to this on my facebook wall last week but I thought it warranted a second post so here goes.

Everyone holds on to "old stuff", including me, but I'm trying to train myself so this is how this post came about. I think it's important to realize that everything that happens to us does so for a reason. While we may not understand it at the time, the reason tends to reveal itself at some later point in our lives.

So, we have to let go of the "old stuff" since holding on does us no good anyway. How many new relationships will we ruin by holding on to past experiences. We have to let it go, not for the other person, but for ourselves. Whatever the person did to break your heart or negatively affect your self-esteem, LET IT GO. We shouldn't let others steal our joy. Bitter hearts block blessings, so heal yourself today and let whatever it is go.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is the location of the President's Memorial Day Speech really that important?

Some people are upset that President Obama has decided to make the Memorial Day speech at Lincoln National Cemetery (Illinois) instead of Arlington National Cemetery. So what else is new.? This man cannot win. It doesn't matter what he does, he is constantly criticized and ridiculed to no end. I, like many, understand the significance of The Arlington National Cemetery but I'm not sure why it matters that he has chosen to deliver his speech elsewhere. I would however be concerned if the President chose to skip the speech altogether which simply isn't the case.

As Americans, we have to choose our battles wisely and always, at least when possible, present a united front. The disrespect and ignorance this Presidency endures is disheartening and blatantly racist. At a time of war and economic downturns, we should be focusing on strengthening our presence to world by coming together on issues we agree on and having intelligent discussions on the issues we don't. How hard is that? I wonder how many of the President's critics actually visit the Arlington National Cemetery every year on Memorial Day to hear this speech anyway????

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

There is no "art" to pleasing others

I posted this on my Facebook page but I thought it was worth posting twice, so here goes.

Please stop wasting your time and energy trying to please other people, it's just not possible. Misery loves company. I'm much happier knowing that I treat people the way I would like to be treated while asking God to order my steps. When someone treats you badly, pray for them, then yourself, and keep it moving. Please don't allow others to block your blessings.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More cutbacks in the education system- you can't be serious

Many school systems in Georgia are facing cutbacks which include:
  • School closures - which happen to be in mostly African-American neighborhoods
  • Salary cutbacks- Teachers aren't paid enough as it is, now they have to come to work on teacher workdays with no pay, are you kidding?
  • Shorter school week - Really, these children are out of school enough, do they really need more free time??
I'm not pretending to know how to lighten the financial burdens that some districts are feeling but these types of cutbacks shouldn't be an option. Where is all of the revenue from the Georgia lottery and Ad Valorem Taxes going?

We are very fortunate to have educators that are willing to come out of their own pockets to purchase classroom supplies, stay after school with our children when needed, in addition to working a few days a year with no pay. We have to consider other options before these teachers give up on the system altogether. Our children deserve better, our educators deserve better. Come on Georgia and Governor Sonny Perdue, make something happen.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thought of the day: You must be stupid to commit a crime today!

I watch a lot of true crime shows like Forensic Files, The First 48, Domminick Dunne's Justice, etc. and I still cannot for the life of me understand what makes people so stupid. I mean really what is it that make you so special to think you can get away with something as serious as murder or rape? We are in a technological age and DNA is no joke. I think the problem is that most states with the death penalty take too long to act. This is a personal opinion but I truly believe in that ultimate punishment and think it isn't used enough. I've said it before and I'll say it again, stupidity is all around us and you have to be some kind of stupid to commit a crime these days.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A woman scorned

By now most of you have probably heard about the "jilted" lover's billboard revenge. If not, I will summarize it the best that I can. YaVaughnie Wilkins had a long term affair with Oracle software President (and member of President Obama's Economic Advisory board) Charles Phillips which apparantly didn't end on good terms. So in the ultimate act of revenge, YaVaughnie decides to out her former lover by purchasing billboards in 3 major cities, including Atlanta and New York, of her and "her" man while they were together. She went further to create a website which has since been shut down. I won't go into further details, the story can be viewed in it's entirety on the NY Daily news website.

It's no secret that a woman scorned can be your worst enemy, but was this really necessary? What did this woman really expect out of this? While she may have sought the ultimate revenge on this man for whatever reason, did she forget that she was a part of this seedy relationship as well? True she got back at him and publicly humiliated him and his entire family, but what does this say about her? While he may be a dog, what does that really make her? She just publicly admitted to knowingly having an affair with a married man, UGH.

First, let me say this, I have done some stupid things in my life and made some very bad choices and most were emotional. Now, here's my two cents: As women, we need to be careful how we carry ourselves. Our choices and behavior carry a lot weight and ultimately speak to our true character. We should think before we act. If someone makes you angry, our first defense is to retaliate, it's normal and human nature. But, we need to ask ourselves some questions first:

  1. Is this really worth it?
  2. What was my part in this situation?
  3. Can I go to jail for my actions?
  4. When this is over, will I still be able to look myself in the mirror and know I would do things the same way again if I had to?
  5. Could my actions possibly jeopardize my future?
If you don't like the answer to these questions, DON'T DO IT!! It really is that simple. I know it's 2010, but we are still held to different standards from men. Sure some women will praise her for her antics but I'm not one of them. This stuff may be cute when you're young but now as an adult. She's over 40 and should know better. These things always turn out the same way: He will go on to bigger and better things and she will only be known as the woman who slept with a dog and told everyone about it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Goodbye to 2009 and New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! Wow if you are like me, you cannot believe that another year has passed us by. As with any new year, we all start to make resolutions we know we can't keep and vow to make this year the best yadda, yadda, yadda. Without fail, I will do the same this year, so here goes:

In 2010, I resolve to make no more New Year's Resolutions!!!

Whew, I'm glad I said it, now the pressure is off when I can't lose those dreaded 20 lbs. LOL. I can't understand why we torture ourselves every year with this stuff. Shouldn't we make every year better than the last? Shouldn't we all attend church more often? Shouldn't we all live more healthful lives. I for one plan on starting this year on a good foot by being more true to myself and the life I lead. Well, maybe that is a resolution in itself..(what can I say, I lied...).