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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thought of the Day: Should we care that he loves her?

Why is it that when a man tells his woman he's been cheating on her she immediately wants to know two things: How long? and Does he love her? Should you really care if he loves the other woman or not? Does his admission of love make the act any less hurtful? Does it ease your pain? I wouldn't think so. While the question may be a natural reaction, I'm not sure that I care if you love this other chick or not.

Women make it too easy for men to recover from such transgressions by denying (whether truthfully or not) their love for the other woman. Once a man says "I don't love her, I love you", women fall right back into their arms. On the other hand, if he says "yes, I love her", women immediately want to know why and proceed to try to "fix" themselves to seek acceptance from the cheater. Here's a note: when a man cheats on you, the problem may very well be within him and not you.

We as women should love ourselves enough to know that no matter what we have going for us and what we provide, if he wants to cheat he will. No explanation necessary. If a real problem between you exists, decide if the relationship is actually worth saving and make moves accordingly. But please don't justify his actions by finding fault with yourself. You will spend the rest of your life in constant repair mode possibly to no avail.

Teacher cuts a girl's hair out of frustration: I don't think so!!!

I read Essence.com daily and I was appalled to read a story regarding Lamya Cammon a student at Congress Elementary School in Milwaukee. The story is about her teacher becoming frustrated with Lamya's constant twirling of her hair (which was braided with beads on the end). To sum it up, the teacher claims she asked the child to stop playing with her hair on several occasions and even held her back from recess due to this classroom "distraction". The teacher admits that after she told the child several times to stop, she called her up to the front of the class, pulled out the scissors and cut this child's braid off. Lamya was obviously upset and embarrassed (of course the other children laughed) so she went back to her seat in tears. Her mother was in disbelief and so am I. What is wrong with the teachers in our schools these days? As a parent, I'm angry for several reasons:

  1. The teacher, in my opinion, posed a threat to the child by approaching her with scissors
  2. The teacher actually told the mother that "if the child continued she would do it again". I'm not making this up http://www.essence.com/news/breaking_news/seven_year-olds_mother_speaks_out_about.php
  3. The teacher only received a fine of $175 for disorderly conduct
  4. The school system hasn't issues any type of disciplinary action to the teacher. Actually the child was punished by being placed into another classroom where she doesn't know anyone.

While I know this child's actions may have been distracting, was this really the appropriate behavior modification we expect from our educators? I wouldn't think so. This is a clear example of the emotional abuse young girls experience everyday. Yes children are resilient but it really makes me mad this happened in the first place.