
Welcome to The Jaded Word where anything and everything is up for discussion. Respectful commentary and dialogue is always encouraged here. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is the location of the President's Memorial Day Speech really that important?

Some people are upset that President Obama has decided to make the Memorial Day speech at Lincoln National Cemetery (Illinois) instead of Arlington National Cemetery. So what else is new.? This man cannot win. It doesn't matter what he does, he is constantly criticized and ridiculed to no end. I, like many, understand the significance of The Arlington National Cemetery but I'm not sure why it matters that he has chosen to deliver his speech elsewhere. I would however be concerned if the President chose to skip the speech altogether which simply isn't the case.

As Americans, we have to choose our battles wisely and always, at least when possible, present a united front. The disrespect and ignorance this Presidency endures is disheartening and blatantly racist. At a time of war and economic downturns, we should be focusing on strengthening our presence to world by coming together on issues we agree on and having intelligent discussions on the issues we don't. How hard is that? I wonder how many of the President's critics actually visit the Arlington National Cemetery every year on Memorial Day to hear this speech anyway????