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Monday, November 16, 2009

This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce

The story of 5 year Shaniya Davis just proves my point on why some people aren't fit to raise an ant farm let alone a child. While I will not go into details for fear of becoming physically ill, 25 year old Antoinette Davis reported her 5 year old daughter missing amidst reports that she allegedly prostituted her daughter out for money. The beautiful little girl's body was found today in Fayetteville, NC. I don't know what makes me more sick, Davis selling her daughter for sex or someone actually paying for sex with a 5 year old when you have women that sell their bodies willingly.

I am a true believer that some women are just simply unfit to have children. If you know you are one of those people, do the world a favor, either keep your legs closed or learn how to use a condom. How many more examples of the supremely unfit do we need? Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, this Antoinette Davis b****. I mean really? I know we can't take them all out and shoot them in the streets ( although I don't see why not), but you can't tell me that the people around these females ( I won't dare give them the respect of being called a woman) couldn't see the signs. And people ask me why I'm in favor of the death penalty. Do I need to say more?