
Welcome to The Jaded Word where anything and everything is up for discussion. Respectful commentary and dialogue is always encouraged here. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adam Lambert: The man of the hour

So Adam Lambert has caused yet another "controversy" on ABC with his sexually explicit performance on the AMA's earlier this week but why? Lambert has stated in several interviews that he feels it's a double standard and sited the many instances where female performers have done similar things in their televised shows and nothing was said or done as a reprimand. Let's not mention the millions of performances where male singers are groping and kissing the female fans and dancers on stage and no one says a thing.

I know everyone remembers Madonna tongue kissing Britney Spears at an award show several years and while it sparked some controversy, it's nothing like the backlash for Adam Lambert. So is there a double-standard for gay and straight entertainers? I think so. Madonna made no apologies and Adam shouldn't either. He has been very outspoken about his lifestyle and seems very comfortable in his skin. I'm amazed that in 2009, major TV networks still appear to be more conservative than their viewing audience. Sure, they received phone calls and emails but how many really? I mean come on, I saw the performance and while I was shocked I was far from offended. There are far worse things on TV that I need to complain about and Adam Lambert kissing a boy on stage isn't one of them. I feel he is being condemned for being a Gay man, period and it isn't fair. While I may not agree with his lifestyle, he has a right to his choices.