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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Online dating still scares me!

I recently saw a commercial from Match.com which astounded me. According to their research, 1 out of every 5 relationships were started through online dating-wow really??? I was amazed at this number as it really seems high (yes even at 20%) and if this is the case, is something wrong with our society.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against online dating whatsoever for those who choose this path, I'm just wondering about the validity of the statistic itself. Since I have no real way of validating the data I guess my biggest question is what is the appeal of online dating? While I have friends who have had successful online relationships, some even leading to marriage, I am still a bit leery or maybe I'm just a bit old school. Here are my top 3 reasons why online dating wouldn't work for me:

  1. Looks aren't everything but I'm very visual in other aspects. I like to see how you carry yourself, how you dress, how you walk, your swagger, etc. Many of the things that make a man attractive to me can only be demonstrated in person.
  2. Stalkers are a reality and while not everyone you meet online has the potential to be crazy and deranged, you can rest assured the only way to really tell when someone is a nut is to meet them in person.
  3. Pictures are only worth a thousand words if they are recent. Again, looks aren't everything but I want to get to know the real you, not some made up persona. While I may like everything you say in IM or email and we may really jive, if you no longer look like the picture you posted in your profile, in my opinion, you have already started the relationship off with deception and I'm no longer interested.

I understand times have changed, the online dating nightmares I hear about are enough to scare me. So for those of you who have met and/or fell in love with someone online and have successful relationships, what was it that sent you down that avenue in the first place? Would you recommend online dating to your friends? This is just my opinion but it's my site right..LOL.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that commercial and heard that stat as well, and it bugged me too.
    But they specified "online dating sites," and that is the part that worried me the most. People who were so socially numb that they had to specifically go wookin' pa nub (Yes, Buckwheat) on the internets.

    Yes, I "met" my fiance on MySpace, but know for fact that we'd excahnged numbers on day one and met in person as soon as humanly possible, like within the week. But, as described, it all just happened from a chance meeting.
    I see that as "normal," knowing that I can think of at least 2 other people who did the same or similar. I guess we all got lucky, but I can only speak for myself when I say that what I found was way less than intended, it just happened.

    I worry about the people who go out into the internets specifically for that. In such, I would not suggest ANYONE go to the interwebs specifically seeking their life partner.
