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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

People With No Vision Will Stunt Your Growth(If you let them)

I want to know why people allow others to "stunt their growth". I don't mean physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Why would you surround yourself with people who have nothing better to do than criticize you or question your vision? I personally have no time for it. I refuse to share my vision with people who I know have no vision of their own.

When people lack vision, they have no problems telling you how bad yours is. When you share your plans with someone but they find every reason why you shouldn't move forward, they have no vision. When they feel the need to tell you how you need to make a change, but they can't take what they dish out, they have no vision. When you share good news and they look at you with a blank stare, they have no vision. Some people don't know how to be happy with themselves, so they definitely can't be happy for you. Misery loves company and I would rather not have miserable people in my presence. Miserable people are judgmental, conniving, petty, and worst of all they lack vision.

The best way to rid yourself of these type of people is to stop sharing information. I don't feel the need to share my business with everyone, regardless of our relationship. I know who I can and can't share my life with, all others are on a need to know basis. For me, I found this is the best way to combat misery. When miserable people see that you aren't falling for their shenanigans, they either change their tune or move on to the next person.  I'm fine either way. If you move on, I know you were never really meant to be in my life, and if you change your tune, I may share more with you but I will still be cautious. Success is about self preservation first, so if you have no vision, you have no place in my life.


  1. All of this is just...yes. I stopped telling a lot of people about anything in my life because I was tired of getting put down for daring to dream. Great post.

    1. Thank you! Some people need to be told over and over again until they get the point. Hopefully this post will help someone move forward and leave the drama behind.
      Be Blessed!
