
Welcome to The Jaded Word where anything and everything is up for discussion. Respectful commentary and dialogue is always encouraged here. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

You Can't Take Me There

Tonight, while lurking on FB, I ran across some virtual beef between a few folks. The reason for the beef, isn't my issue, my concern lies with allowing people to take you "there". You know that place that only a person who means you no good can take you to. "There" is the place that will make you lose what little religion you have, it may even cause you to do something stupid.

I'm not immune, people have taken me "there" on plenty of occasions. Some people know what sets me off and if they are having a bad day, they like to take you along for the ride. This advice is as much for me as for anyone else, we have to stop allowing people to take us out of our zone.   Even my daughter has this problem. When she has a bad day at school, she often says "so and so, did this or that and that's why I did what I did". I'm trying to teach her that she, and she alone, is in control of her destiny. How she chooses to respond to stumbling blocks is her responsibility and that choice with ultimately define what type of adult she will become. We are judged by the decisions we make and when the decisions are bad or yield bad results, people rarely consider the circumstances that caused us to act a certain way. We end up looking like idiots, while the other person has moved on to terrorize their next victim.  I hope she gets it early, because I've only recently learned this lesson for myself.

Some people crave drama and discontent; not me. I am choosing to block folks that get in my spiritual space. Will I always adhere to my own advice? Who's to say, it really depends. I just know that some things are worth the drama, but most things are not.

Be Blessed!

For The Longest Time

(Reposted from my Face Book status)
I stepped out to run errands during lunch and I stopped at RaceTrac to take advantage of their free coffee. It was packed of course and blocking the coffee dispensers were a bunch of kids talking it up. I was mad because I have stuff to do. I was getting ready to leave, when the manager said "anyone standing in line for free coffee has to sing". They looked at each other, someone counted 1..2..3..... and then they began to sing "For the longest time" (I think that's Billy Joel). Let me say, they sounded amazing and changed my mood instantly. I found out they were returning from singing at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
This reminded me 1) How much fun I had in show choir and 2)How free spirited kids really are. These kids didn't make a fuss or catch an attitude, they stood there and gave joy to everyone in the store. Be blessed!!