
Welcome to The Jaded Word where anything and everything is up for discussion. Respectful commentary and dialogue is always encouraged here. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mind your business!!!

It just amazes me that in 2009, people are talking about interracial relationships as if it’s news. People have been dating outside of their race for years so what’s the problem. Why do I care who you date, it’s not my business. I couldn’t care less. If a friend tells me she has a new man, my first question isn’t “is he Black or White?”..it’s more like, “Is he nice?”, “Where did you meet?”, or “Are you happy?”. Why do I care if he doesn’t look like her? If she likes it, I love it. As long as he keeps his hands to himself, it’s all good. I’m not just speaking on this subject because I myself am in an interracial marriage, but because people always find new ways to get on my nerves. Love is colorblind or at least it should be. Wherever you find the love of your life, or your love of the moment, is up to you. Make yourself happy, period...I have one thing to say to people have comments about those who chose to venture outside of their race…Mind your business!


  1. This is an interesting topic. I once was outraged at the thought, and especially the sight of interracial couples. But, I got a couple of wake up calls:
    1. My family ancestry includes almost every major nationality except for Asians.
    2. My best friend found someone that truly loves her.

    I agree with the post in the way this is addressed in 2009, especially in the U.S. Hello people?!?!.... Who is pure anything anymore? Without knowing any official stats (those are questionable anyway), I would guess no more than 20% of the country. Out of that 20%, those are immigrants that recently came to this country in the last decade or two.

  2. If you can find someone who truly cares for you, I don't care if they are purple. I used to be a sister that commented on white women taking our black men, but who am I to judge?

  3. I do try to mind my business. I will admit that it sometimes get difficult to see an interracial relationship. It's not as hard as it use to be.

    I have to laugh at myself sometimes at how I look at a Caucasian women with an African-American man versus and African-American women with a Caucasian man. With the first type of relationship, in my mind, i'm usually thinking that the woman is with the man just as a fad. It seems to be the popular thing to do. For the Caucasian woman to defy all the years that her family may thought of themselves a better than everyone based on their heritage. Then on the flip side, with an African-American women and a Caucasian man, I think to myself, "Do it, Ma Ma."

    Crazy I know.
