
Welcome to The Jaded Word where anything and everything is up for discussion. Respectful commentary and dialogue is always encouraged here. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Writer's Block

When I committed to the @31WriteNow challenge, I had no idea how hard it would be to put my thoughts into words for 31 straight days. I mean, I'm the one who always has something to say and I really don't mind giving you my opinion (whether you want it or not isn't the issue, lol). Tonight however I find myself in unfamiliar territory, the land that is writer's block. There is so much going on in the world yet I can't find anything to say, constructive or otherwise. I think at this point, my friends are falling out of their seats in disbelief, LOL but it's true, tonight I have nothing.

 I have nothing to say about the little boy that jumped the line in front of my daughter today at the skate rink, with his rude self.

I have nothing to say about the e-coupon I downloaded today for a FREE box of Ultimate Hamburger Helper I was so excited about, but was nowhere to be found at the grocery store.

 I have nothing to say about the red hair dye I purchased last week that didn't turn my hair red AT ALL.

 I have nothing to say about the loooooong list of school supplies I have to purchase even though my property tax bill has a clear itemization for money deemed as "school tax".

 I have nothing to say about the promotion I know I deserve but have yet to receive.

Most importantly, I have nothing to say about my many sleepless nights trying to clear levels in Candy Crush, it's not like I have a job to go to, or a family to take care of or anything like that.

 So for those of you that took the time to visit my blog and read my posts, I can't thank you enough, but you caught me on a night when I really just have nothing to say. ;-)


  1. Nothing to say? Right! The creativity shown in this post proves you have something to say. Keep sharing your stories. Love the post.

    1. This was one that kind of wrote itself. Thank you for the kind words.

    2. I'm actually over here cracking up! That is me me me! Sometimes I think 'now, why is it that I want to blog again?!' ... I THINK I have something to say. Yet, like you, I often find myself thinking of a million things I don't need to blog about! LOL Although the stuff you mentioned sounded interesting to me! LOL
